Thursday, August 14, 2008


1 resume sent. Mwa ha ha.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

the end

I did it. I gave my notice at my desk job today. I've been working here nearly four years. It was my first job upon moving to New York and now I'll be leaving it. Talking to my boss was thankfully easy. I was nervous but not frightened. I think she realized exactly what was happening right when I called her and asked to meet with her later in the day. I did end up giving her an extra week of work and decided to not completely leave the company but leave myself open to working a day here and there. That might not happen but it's kind of nice to have it as an option.

When I told her I was leaving my boss surmised that I must have a lot lined up with Pilates. "Nope...but I'm hoping I will soon." Or else I won't be able to pay my rent. Or I might have to temp somewhere, which I've never done in my life but I know quite a few people who have/do and if they can do it so can I, right?

September 8, 2008.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

can't stop

Have you visited Natalie Dee's website yet? It is awesome. I even put a link to it that says so. Really awesome. I love her humor. I was going to post a few examples but I would basically end up posting her entire site so you should just go to it yourself. Really. Awesome. Aren't you listening? Awesome!