Tuesday, January 20, 2009


As I'm waiting for Barack Obama's speech I'm sitting in front of my computer letting out little stinkers because, you know what, cigarettes give me gas. Yes, I bought a pack of cigarettes the other day, I was depressed and mad, and I smoked one this morning and totally forgot that for some reason they give me gas. Why would that be? They only seem to give me gas when I smoke on an empty stomach too. I find that odd. And I feel pretty gross when I smoke them but I've just accepted the fact that I have them and have smoked some and I'm not going to beat myself up about it, I'm just not going to buy any more.

I'm sorry I still haven't posted anything about Winter France Trip 08/09. I have the pictures ready, I've just been too lazy to type something up about it. Here's a preview, it was taken from my mom's bedroom window.

It was great.