Sunday, January 20, 2008

more & more

Let's get this out of the way. I've been spending the last way too long trying to figure out how to embed a frickin' slideshow on my blog. I was able to easily create one through G**gle but the options it gave me combined with the layout of my blog made all the pictures either too tiny or cropped off at the side. So then I started searching around for other stuff and tried out F**ckr (which is not as user friendly as G**gle, let me tell you) but with that you can only create this lame-o badge thing. So then I did some more searching and found flickrSLIDR, which I actually will name because it worked. God, the whole process really gave me a headache (except for the SLIDR part, that was totally easy). Or maybe I just need to eat.

Now that that's done with, don't you want some more cute baby? I knew it! She's so awesome!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

In that last photo I'm mimicking Nora's scowly face. No conscious muscle control!

1 comment:

tarak said...

I can't tell who's cuter... Nora or that big meaney who's turned soft over a baby.