Wednesday, January 16, 2008

thank god for camera phones

It's been awhile, but I have a good reason: I've been visiting a baby! (And the rest of my family. [And I'm lazy.]) I really never thought I would be baby crazy but I am! She is so amazing. I even held her, willingly. And every time I went over to my sister's I kept asking to hold her. Did you know that babies are like nature's blanket? They're so warm. But I must say, while I think this kid is awesomely amazing and amazingly awesome, I'm still not that interested in other people's kids. Sorry. I just don't find babies that fascinating, unless they're related to me and are frickin' adorable. There definitely are exceptions (like for a lil' boy named Zach or a girl named Yuki, who I don't at all) but this is a pretty general rule. That being said I never really enjoyed random baby videos but here are some for you.

My niece Nora.

This one is pretty cute.

So is this one.

But this is my favorite.

During one of my visits, my sister and I sang Nora a little lullaby that may or may not have been lovingly lifted from one of our favorite childhood (and adulthood) movies. On my flight back to New York I paused in my knitting (making another hat, but sadly not for Nora), thought of Nora, started singing the lullaby and promptly began crying. My stay was much too short. Then I finished reading The View from Saturday by E.L. Konigsburg and cried some more. Then a little later I started thinking about how great her parents are and how they have lots of great friends and how awesome her relatives are and how she's going to grow up surrounded by so much love and the next thing I knew my eyes were once again watering.

And you know what else? She smells pretty good too. She's beautiful, even if she does have baby acne, which I never knew almost all babies got, did you?


I couldn't decide.


Isaac said...

And how lucky for the person sitting next to you on your flight back to New York, to be so close to someone knitting, singing a lullaby to themselves, and bursting into tears?

Seriously, though, that baby is cute. I can't wait until she develops her uncle's Disdain For Most Things.

laurenj said...

and now you've got ME tearing up at how cute YOU are with all of your baby-loving. babies that are related to you are the most adorable thing in the world, it's just so true. And even though my J is not the same as yours, I have to say, Nora is a pretty cute baby.

mynewshoes said...

I can't handle it! I'm going to turn her into a potato and eat her. My ovaries hurt.

Anonymous said...

Nice PMS, dude.
I wish you could've stayed longer...