Thursday, November 06, 2008


If you were at my apartment last Sunday and thought I was acting a little strange there was a reason for it.  I had a bunch of ibuprofen and decongestants floating around in my body in an effort to counteract the intense pain all along the right side of my face.  And it probably seemed odd that I kept disappearing for minutes at a time.  Well, I was going into the bedroom and doing headstands, that helped the pain too.  I finally went to a doctor yesterday and she thought I probably have a sinus infection, or that something is terrible wrong with my teeth.  I can't believe how long I've been sick and then right when I think I'm better my face starts to feel like someone's crushing it from the inside.  I've been using my neti pot like 3 times a day which at first helped but now I don't notice a difference. Anyway, I got a prescription for antibiotics which I started taking last night but about two hours after taking the first one my face started to itch, then turn red.  Then the rest of my body also turned red and itched like hell.  Needless to say I didn't take the next dose this morning. I called the doctor's office and am now waiting for them to get back to me.  Either they'll call in a different prescription or I'll have to go back in and see someone again.  And all this pain has kept me from eating the delicious cake in the fridge!  Is life not unfair?!


tarak said...

That's so sad... there's a half eaten cake in your fridge? That's a shame.

Anonymous said...

That sounds horrible xoxo

Anonymous said...

Especially the cake part