Friday, April 20, 2007

future chips

The chip wars continue at my apartment. My roommates are most definitely eating my chips. I don't think they're eating anything else I buy (at least not consistently) but the chip snacking is driving me crazy. To make doubly sure that I wasn't placing false accusations (even though I heard Horsey open my chip bag and munch away) I carefully and specifically folded the last bag and placed binder clips on the sides. When I came home the bag was haphazardly folded and the clips were not in the same place. I refolded and replaced the clips and the same thing happened the next day. When I arrived home the apartment was empty. Perfect. Since I would be heading out soon this was my chance to employ my normal passive-aggressive tactics and avoid confrontation at the same time. I wrote up a quick note:

Please stop nibbling at my food. It is incredibly inconsiderate. If you would like something please ask me first.

I was all set to put it on the fridge when suddenly both! my roommates walked in the door. Damn damn damn. So instead I sulked in my room. I thought about putting a note directly on the chip bag:

Stop. Are these yours? Then don't eat them.

But that seemed a little too snotty. I should just talk to them. The next morning I screwed my courage to the sticking place and walked into the living room to kill my roommates and become King of Scotland! I mean, Washington Heights! But of course, I chickened out. I keep thinking that to complain about something I should be the model roommate in all other areas and I'm not. Yes yes, if a friend told me that I'd say they were crazy and should stand up for themselves. But instead I just kept my chips in my room that day. Maybe I'll deal with the problem the next time I buy chips. For now, if I ever feel like I'm not the model roommate I just remember the food nibbling and the fact that I have to wash any dish before I use it, because I can't count on the roomies to thoroughly wash anything.

And speaking of gun control and weapons and stuff (see NSP's blog), has anyone seen that show Future Weapons on the Discovery channel? It's fucking creepy. It might be the most unsettling thing on television. I've only watched about 5 minutes of it but it made me extremely uncomfortable. The show is all about new weapons research and how things are becoming faster, smaller and more accurate. Part of the episode I saw featured an interview with a pilot on an aircraft carrier. He was talking about some new plane he flies and proudly pointed out the bombs it carried and talked about how great they were. What kept going through my mind was that everything featured on the show was made specifically to kill people. None of the "toys" shown had any other use. I found their pride and joy unsettling.

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