Wednesday, September 12, 2007

you dope

Today was another 4AM morning, though I was able to push back waking up until 4:30 by cutting all my fruit and getting my bag ready last night. Which means I pretty much just jumped out of bed, brushed my teeth, showered and ran down to the train. On the subway ride out to DUMBO I started thinking about how my throat kind of hurt and that that probably indicated I hadn't been getting enough sleep lately. I also thought about how it's been taking me a little longer to fully wake up in the mornings, most likely again due to lack of sleep.

I arrived in DUMBO with one minute to spare and unlocked the door to the exercise studio where I'm working, which promptly set the alarm to beep at me. I walked over the the alarm panel and. And what? Do you know? 'Cause I sure didn't. I looked at it, some numbers popped into my head, I figured they were probably right and started typing. After typing in 5 digits I had the vague feeling that something was wrong. I typed in the same 5 digits again before I fully realized that there are only 4 digits for this alarm. I was starting to panic now. I was pretty sure I had the numbers right, I just needed to take one out. The next problem was that I was only using four numbers but hitting one of them twice but I was sure there was one digit in the code twice but I was also sure that I needed to use all four of the numbers I was entering. I had one last desperate attempt and then, obviously, set off the alarm. I've been working here since February and I set off the alarm. That fucker is LOUD! And it did it's job because when it when off, I ran. I grabbed my phone and booked it out of there. I called my boss (at 6AM) and she tried to explain how to turn the alarm off. Unfortunately, my phone kind of sucks and I don't have the best hearing so I kept saying 'what?' over and over, sounding like an idiot. I finally turned off the alarm and luckily my boss knew I'm (usually) great and wasn't pissed at all. Once she told me the correct code I realized that I had been entering a short conglomeration of the correct alarm code, the alarm code at my other job and my ATM pin number. I then had to call the alarm company and rattle off variations on a word (once again kind of sounding like an idiot) hoping one of them was the key word to let them know everything was okay.

Then the police arrived.

I'm still a bit frazzled. And tired.

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