Here's proof that gay couples (male ones anyway) can be just as trite and bland as any straight one. I couldn't even finish this article, I was so annoyed after reading just the first page. I know it's completely not fair of me to judge the entire article when I haven't finished it but seriously, I just can't do it. I can't even be bothered to write this post very well. Related and unrelated, I'm sick of this ridiculous and sexist divide between homosexual men and women. I'm sick of gay men who in their attitudes are basically elitist misogynistic straight men. I always thought that gays would be sensitive to prejudices because they've been subjected to others' but no, that's not always the case. Clearly, this is stemming from many other things since this little rant isn't directly related to the article above but I've just been thinking about it a lot. Really I should write out something a little more thoughtful and clear but right now, this is what I have.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
a few things
First up. here's an excerpt from an email my sister sent me the other day:
...I think maybe you should JOIN FACEBOOK* because I just did and it's much handier than I thought...
*capitalization hers
Wha?! How could she have succumbed? And how could she suggest something so preposterous? I don't know why I'm resisting Facebook but it might have something to do with it's STUPID and before quitting myspace I think I had like a total of 7 friends. I don't need to relive that shaming disappointment. That said, I probably will join one of these days, you know, to keep things hypocritical. Also, I never responded to that email so here you go sis!
Second, I think I might have a stomach parasite. Or at least, my doctor thinks I might have a stomach parasite. I'm taking two different kinds of meds 3x a day until next Tuesday. Isn't that awesome? Where did it come from? How did I get it? Why am I so tired? My mouth tastes like icky metal.
Third, I meant to post this a while ago. I really love Muppets; I'm glad The Muppet Show seasons are slowly being released on DVD. They always make me happy...and maybe a little talent-envy.
Fourth and last, there'll be a new cupcake post coming soon. As soon as a certain sister mentioned earlier gets off Facebook and emails me the pictures we took. Or she might actually be busy taking care of her baby. Whatever. But here's a preview.
Baby and cupcakes. A good time was had by all.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I went to Seattle a few weeks ago for a fundraiser I in which I was participating. As a bonus I got to visit my family, which was great even though I didn't get to spend nearly as much time with them as I would have liked. Still, it was a free plane ticket so I feel like I can't really complain. So Seattle. Maybe I was seeing everything through vacation eyes but it was pretty wonderful there. Yes, it was a little rainy and damp but you know what, people there were pretty nice. Every server we had, while not necessarily extraordinary, was better than any one I can think of in New York. One server brought us free dessert when we thought there was a strange taste in two of the clams we'd ordered (no, I didn't eat any). And she was really apologetic and concerned about it, sincerely so, seemingly anyway. And the driver for the car service we took back to the airport brought us coffee that he'd purchased before picking us up. That was pretty nice. Unfortunately we didn't want any but still.

Friday, April 11, 2008
not quite national health care
Okay, I'm going to preface this by saying I haven't really been following the recent news on this issue so I don't know exactly how things have been going but I'm having a hard time imagining the events that would lead to this result.
This morning's news announcer briefly stated that families of the victims of the Virgina Tech shooting were receiving compensation in the amount of $11.8 million and agreed not to sue the state (or the money was part of the agreement not to sue the state, I can't remember). Now, I'm sorry for those families. That's a terrible way to lose someone close to you BUT the state should not be giving them money AND they have no reason to sue. If there were any reason for the government to give them money it should be for burial costs or grief counseling, though I can't say I even agree with that. I'm not going to say 'these things happen.' They do, clearly and they're awful, obviously but I don't understand how the state is to blame and how the families deserve compensation. Is it that the school failed to provide secure centers for the students? Should metal detectors have been installed in every building? Should the campus have been a walled compound, strictly controlling entry? Do prospective students need to start signing liability waivers? I just read that part of the settlement will go toward supporting talks between the families, the governor and school authorities and this I think makes sense. It just seems strange that the state is compensating these particular families who were involved in a news covered event but not other families who might have also experienced a more personal tragedy not voiced to the world. I think part of the argument is that students weren't immediately told that the first shooting had happened and thus didn't have the opportunity to protect themselves. Maybe this money could be used to enhance communication in the school, sending out email announcements, texting students or whatnot instead of offering a monetary bandage.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
what a mess
Before a Pilates session the other day I was discussing my awesome new niece, Nora, with my 36 year old female client. I was describing how Nora is so much more aware now and has started laughing and is generally overwhelmingly adorable and my client said, "I'm not really a kid person but every time I see a baby laugh I feel like my uterus is going to explode."
I think we reached a new level in the teacher/client relationship.