Friday, April 25, 2008

a few things

First up. here's an excerpt from an email my sister sent me the other day:

...I think maybe you should JOIN FACEBOOK* because I just did and it's much handier than I thought...

*capitalization hers

Wha?! How could she have succumbed? And how could she suggest something so preposterous? I don't know why I'm resisting Facebook but it might have something to do with it's STUPID and before quitting myspace I think I had like a total of 7 friends. I don't need to relive that shaming disappointment. That said, I probably will join one of these days, you know, to keep things hypocritical. Also, I never responded to that email so here you go sis!

Second, I think I might have a stomach parasite. Or at least, my doctor thinks I might have a stomach parasite. I'm taking two different kinds of meds 3x a day until next Tuesday. Isn't that awesome? Where did it come from? How did I get it? Why am I so tired? My mouth tastes like icky metal.

Third, I meant to post this a while ago. I really love Muppets; I'm glad The Muppet Show seasons are slowly being released on DVD. They always make me happy...and maybe a little talent-envy.

Fourth and last, there'll be a new cupcake post coming soon. As soon as a certain sister mentioned earlier gets off Facebook and emails me the pictures we took. Or she might actually be busy taking care of her baby. Whatever. But here's a preview.

Baby and cupcakes. A good time was had by all.


mynewshoes said...

If you join Facebook we can play Scrabble! I have something to say about your parasite, but I'm resisting...

Anonymous said...

You have a stomach parasite because you ignored my email.

And I said to join it for the chat feature, dur.

And I'm only on it because I needed to find out that one of my friends from high school was on the Today show.

Now go suck eggs--I think kills parasites.

(Seriously, though, WTF? What else makes your doctors think you have a parasite? That is gross and interesting.)

((And I'm totally going to send you those pictures, just as soon as I do it.))

Anonymous said...

If you leave out the subject of a sentence then parasites are also killed.