Saturday, April 26, 2008

Here's proof that gay couples (male ones anyway) can be just as trite and bland as any straight one. I couldn't even finish this article, I was so annoyed after reading just the first page. I know it's completely not fair of me to judge the entire article when I haven't finished it but seriously, I just can't do it. I can't even be bothered to write this post very well. Related and unrelated, I'm sick of this ridiculous and sexist divide between homosexual men and women. I'm sick of gay men who in their attitudes are basically elitist misogynistic straight men. I always thought that gays would be sensitive to prejudices because they've been subjected to others' but no, that's not always the case. Clearly, this is stemming from many other things since this little rant isn't directly related to the article above but I've just been thinking about it a lot. Really I should write out something a little more thoughtful and clear but right now, this is what I have.


tarak said...

Am I a horrible person for not even getting throught the first two paragraphs of that article? Ugghh!

Anonymous said...

I decided it was my duty to read the whole article. And so I did.

...I'm pretty sure the point of the article is that young gay men have no role models for marriage, but it sabotages itself by making it sound all 50s housewife for the first, oh, six million pages (of ten).

I guess that's what happens when it gets put in the "magazine" of the paper. And I'm pretty sure it was intentional, as all of the photographs matched the style of the writing.

And, IPJ, there were the old standard lesbian jokes peppered throughout, so you're not far off with your rant. Rant away!