Tuesday, May 06, 2008

it really really is

Have you been thinking along these lines lately?

-I see too much interesting art. I need a balance of crap.
-If I had a child, what would I ban him/her from watching?
-I'm too smart. How can I destroy some brain cells?

Do I have the video for you! Watch it and cry as your faith in humanity slips away. I present the aptly named Stupid Shit, and believe me, it is.

Did you watch it? Wasn't that amazing?! Did you start thinking that it couldn't get any worse...and then they stripped?! And one girl put on headphones for some reason? Now that's some stupid shit. I seriously can't stop watching this it pains me so, and I'm a sucker for pain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

even if the cops are coming i ain't gonna stop