Wednesday, May 07, 2008

grandpa was right

I'm cat sitting for a certain blogger this weekend while she and her hubby are off on vacaneymoon, which is really just vacation and not a honeymoon at all but I like saying vacaneymoon. I was pretty good about bringing supplies to their apartment but felt guilty about taking the only toothpaste out of my boyfriend's apartment. (Even though it's my special cavity fighting toothpaste that I order online. I've basically been living at his place for a couple of months so I probably shouldn't suddenly just steal the toothpaste we've been sharing.) But my lazy ass has been, well, too lazy to go out and buy more toothpaste just so I can use it while cat sitting. So I've decided to embrace my heritage and brush my teeth like my ancestors did, with good old fashioned Arm & Hammer baking soda. Awesome. I sprinkle some on my great Sonicare (at least I remembered that, I'm not going to go crazy nostalgic and start using my finger or anything) then take little breaks to sprinkle more on throughout the process. And you know what, my teeth feel fine, pretty much the same in fact. I do wish I had some mouthwash to finish up with but otherwise I can't really tell the difference. So will I be making a switch once I'm done cat sitting? I don't know. Maybe I'll try a homemade salt scrub for my teeth later. I mean, what's good for your skin is good for your teeth, right?

In other news, I slightly change my hairstyle the other day and shocked my coworkers enough that they demanded a picture. So I'll share it with you.

Yeah. My teeth are so clean and sexy my lips can hardly touch them. I've since gone back to the old flat hair bed head look because I feel like it better hides the fact that I really need a hair cut.


Anonymous said...

I wish you were holding a baguette in that photo.

Also, when I was using a little baking soda exfoliation on my face the other day I thought "huh, I'm cleaning my face the same way I clean the bathtub."

While resourceful and non-toxic, I couldn't decide if that meant I was being kind to my tub or mean to my face.

Either way, I still want the book that explains how you can do one million things with baking soda.

ipj said...

Oh yeah, I want that book too.