Tuesday, April 14, 2009

things keep changing

I've been trying to go on an ice cream fast lately. I was going to say ice cream diet but now that I've typed both it seems that the same problem exists no matter which way you say it. I don't mean to say I'm eating only ice cream, though how wonderful woud that be? but that I'm not eating any ice cream. It's only been going moderately well but considering that I had been eating practically a pint a night the rate I'm down to now is pretty promising.

I've also decided to give up porn. It's like a battle of addictions within me!  Is this a bad idea to give up two addictions at once? Or will I go crazy and some late night just lube up with a cup of soft serve? Should I phase one addiction out and just give in to the other or try to go cold turkey on both? Maybe I'm just trying to justify eating ice cream. I really really want some!

1 comment:

Erin J. said...

goddammit that was just too much information