And I'm pretty sure it's from the giant cookie I just ate. My body seems to be particularly susceptible to sugar lately. I'll be feeling fine but as soon as I eat something sweet I almost immediately start to feel like I'm getting a cold. Maybe I'm on overload and my body is trying to tell me something. This has happened before and I find the reaction time of the body fascinating.
I'm at work and had to take a little break (from knitting). I'm working, and have been working, on a scarf for Parfait to match the two hats I made him. I've been going with this kind of patchworky type thing and I can't tell if it's working out or not.
Here's the part I'm currently working on
And here's why I had to take a break
There are three different skeins I'm working with with a total of five lines coming off this damn scarf. It's a mess back there and I get frustrated easily.
Last night I went to see Kevin Augustine's Bride at PS122. I thought it was great and if you're around, go see it, tickets are only like $20 or something. It's so wonderful to see someone who obviously has a great love for their art form. There are cool and somewhat creepy puppets involved (including puppet dancing) and it's clear that he's really into what he does. There was obviously so much thought and work put into this production. When it first began there were quite a few questionable elements and I thought, "Oh god, this could be awful...or it could be great." By the middle of it I realized that the beginning totally made sense and appreciated it much more. I thought the ideas presented were interesting and while they didn't bowl me over, they were still clever and creative.
And in other news, I made Rice Kr*spie treats at work the other day...and again on Saturday. I saw a sickeningly sweet ad for them that morning on TV with a laughing family around the mixing bowl then found myself craving them a few hours later. Damn advertising, you caught me again! So I went over to a grocery store on my lunch break and bought the ingredients. But not before checking the office kitchen to make sure I had the proper tools. I melted the butter and marshmallows in the microwave then ended up using two giant plastic salad tongs to basically "toss" in the cereal. The salad tongs actually worked amazing well. The best part of the story is that as I was microwaving the butter the Senior Vice President, the Vice President of Operations and the Director of Operations (who work either on a different floor or in an entirely different building) walked into my floor's conference room, right across from the kitchen. I could hear them talking about the interior of the floor and kept hoping that they wouldn't walk into the kitchen. I quickly shoved the marshmallows and cereal (which I had measured into a water pitcher) over right next to the fridge so that they wouldn't be able to see them unless they walked all the way into the room. Then I just stood there looking at the microwave, pretending I was on my lunch break waiting for my food to get hot. They did end up poking their heads in but only their heads so thank god they couldn't see my stash or what I had in the microwave. Yes, technically I was on my lunch break but I still think it would look pretty unprofessional for the VP to catch me making a children's snack, no matter how cherished the memory.
Monday, March 24, 2008
my eyes hurt
Saturday, March 22, 2008
for shame
I feel like a few select people might chastise me for this but...
Guess who came to the show at the theater tonight: Ryan Gosling.
Guess who didn't quite place the name when selling him tickets over the phone: me. As a result, I didn't tell anyone he was coming and the people in the box office were taken by surprise when he came to pick up his tickets. Honestly, I just figured it was someone with the name Ryan Gosling. Come on, that's not that unusual a name. I treated him like any patron, including getting his mailing address and phone number. And that's that.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
my turn
Okay, I've been resisting doing this since I've fared so poorly at guessing everyone else's quotes but I'm bored at work and I don't feel like reading or knitting. tarak tagged me for this whole 15 quotes from your favorite movies, well, turns out my favorite movies don't have very good quotes listed on Also, a lot of my favorite movies are foreign and I don't trust whatever translation imdb was using. Or something like this kept happening:
You're staying home, the sun is shining, but it's raining.
Anyone? It's from Akira Kurosawa's Dreams. I love that movie but there's not a lot of talking. So I finally gave up on my favorite movies and decided to only concentrate on my favorite children's movies, even though they're not just for kids, 'cause I still love them today. So that's your clue. And I've only listed 10, this was starting to get tiring.
1. What? Never had gemstones in your craw?
2. Nothing? NOTHING? Nothing, tra la la?
3. Well, it's kind of hard to describe. It's like being next to a new loaf of bread.
4. Oh yes mustard! That'll do... Mustard?! Don't let's be silly.
5. Mouldy mildew, mother of mouthmuck, dangle and strangle and death.
6. Attacked by Christmas toys? That's strange, that's the second toy complaint we've had.
7. You who swallowed a falling star, o' heartless man, your heart shall soon be mine.
8. He has to give me a new name. He's already chosen it. He just has to call it out.
9. Lady H******, was it you who screamed 'AIEEE!?'
And finally, because I was running out of children's movies I threw in a sci-fi.
10. The spice must flow.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
hours completed. Only 150 more to go before I'm certified as a Pilates Apparatus Instructor or something. I don't even know what I'll get to call myself then. It's probably going to take me another 6-7 months, judging by the rate I've going. I guess that's fine.
I'm not too in the mood to blog right now but here I am anyway. In fact, I'd rather be knitting. So I'm just going to say I:
- went to a good play
- am going to a questionable musical tonight
- am co-hosting a Star Wars related shin-dig
- will be seeing a puppetry related show soon
- spent a lot of money on books on Pilates
- spent a lot of money on the government (in the form of taxes)
- got worried about taxes for 2008
- upset Parfait
- had a long talk with Parfait
- called my mother for her birthday
- took hideous pictures of myself that I won't be posting
- took a picture of my giant mysterious bruise that I will be posting
- took a picture of myself exemplifying my lack of self control
How did this happen?!
The chocolate abortion eggies are back! We (my officemates and I) have been eating them like crazy for a week already. The other day I was being silly and started shoving a bunch of them in my mouth. After stuffing about 7 of them in there tarak looked at me and said, in her best cockney accent:
"The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain."
Unfortunately this pic just makes it kind of look like my vomit consists of chocolate eggs. That's not so bad considering I shit Mississippi Mud pies.

Faith thinks I look like an angel, Isaac thinks I look dead inside. I think he means soulful.