hours completed. Only 150 more to go before I'm certified as a Pilates Apparatus Instructor or something. I don't even know what I'll get to call myself then. It's probably going to take me another 6-7 months, judging by the rate I've going. I guess that's fine.
I'm not too in the mood to blog right now but here I am anyway. In fact, I'd rather be knitting. So I'm just going to say I:
- went to a good play
- am going to a questionable musical tonight
- am co-hosting a Star Wars related shin-dig
- will be seeing a puppetry related show soon
- spent a lot of money on books on Pilates
- spent a lot of money on the government (in the form of taxes)
- got worried about taxes for 2008
- upset Parfait
- had a long talk with Parfait
- called my mother for her birthday
- took hideous pictures of myself that I won't be posting
- took a picture of my giant mysterious bruise that I will be posting
- took a picture of myself exemplifying my lack of self control
How did this happen?!
The chocolate abortion eggies are back! We (my officemates and I) have been eating them like crazy for a week already. The other day I was being silly and started shoving a bunch of them in my mouth. After stuffing about 7 of them in there tarak looked at me and said, in her best cockney accent:
"The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain."
Unfortunately this pic just makes it kind of look like my vomit consists of chocolate eggs. That's not so bad considering I shit Mississippi Mud pies.

Faith thinks I look like an angel, Isaac thinks I look dead inside. I think he means soulful.
I'm pretty sure he actually means dead inside.
Oh god...mini eggs...the best season in the year..
I miss you my boy. Really a lot.
Ooh ooh. I know I already made a comment but I want to say: I think you look beautiful and mysterious.
Lily is on my lap right now, dreaming about you. She keeps doing tiny pretend barks and twitching. She misses her very first boyfriend too, though she has a bunch of new ones now.
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