Monday, February 26, 2007

my true love

Really. I love them. I would marry them if I could and then we'd have delicious chocolate babies. And I would eat them. My own children. That's how much I love these things. Even though I ate an entire pint of mint chip ice cream last night I couldn't resist buying of pack of chocolate goodness. My diet is really falling apart. I'll totally exercise tonight though.

I've discovered a problem with gay dating, one that I'm sure I've thought about before, but I have I ever blogged about it? Non-separate public restrooms. Yesterday Also-I (that's how I'm going to refer to him from now on after dropping his other, more offensive title) and I went to a movie. After it finished I needed to use the bathroom and as I walked toward it I noticed he was doing the same...and we walked in together...and stood at adjoining urinals. Normally that wouldn't bother me except for this time I really had to fart. And it's hard to release one set of muscles and constrict another. The solution may have been to go into a stall but the bathroom was quite small, one stall, two urinals and we were the only ones in it so I still would have been the obvious loud culprit. I ended up pretty much just pretending to pee then washing my hands. We soon parted ways at the subway and when I got home I ran to the bathroom.

I've also discovered that I almost always spell "separate" and "negative" wrong.

addendum: I did exercise. I did eat the entire bag.


CruiserMel said...

Okay, this was pretty funny. The horrors of being gay. Who knew it boils down to farting?

laurenj said...

you make me laugh out loud so that any food i am eating comes flying out of my mouth

mynewshoes said...

Also, maybe the eggs made you fart. Maybe the secret is less separate bathrooms, and more not eating fart-inducing food on a date. I'm just saying...

Goodbye Blue Monday said...

This blog is the most brilliant treatise on cadbury mini eggs EVER. Even if it's not the only one, or if more pop up in the future, this is the best.