Tuesday, February 06, 2007

It's been one of those days. And it's not even over yet. I did nothing today. Really. The most I can say is I took a shower, which I guess it some sort of an accomplishment since I could have just wallowed in my own filth instead. It's one of the days where little things are freaking me out. I got all jittery earlier at the thought of going to a tech gig I have tonight. I still can't think about it too much. It's probably going to be really easy and no big deal and yet I just can't calm down. I hate these times. This is why I need structure in my life. And I do have some structure and it does help, I'd just rather have some structure that I can actually appreciate.

blather blather

1 comment:

laurenj said...

I wish we could give our lives structure by willing it. I think that some people can, but those people annoy me. And yet I wish I were one of them.