Saturday, February 17, 2007

thank god

I bought some pants! YorN graciously went clothes shopping with me today, a task that we both abhor so I'm very appreciative that she kept me company. She was really helpful too, going to search for different sizes and colors. And kept telling me my butt looked hott. Whether it actually did or not is irrelevant. What a good friend. I ended up spending too much money on three pairs that are basically the same jeans, with slight variances between them. We then trodded over to Urb*n Outf*tters, a store I dislike on principle, which we almost didn't go to but then I caved. It was incredibly crowded, no surprise. I picked up a few more pants to try on and, on a whim, a jacket that mildly reminded me of one my father used to wear to church. I didn't think it would fit at all but I'm trying to broaden my shopping to include trying on items I have no intention of purchasing. None of the pants fit, they were all to small and too short, the very things that have made me hate shopping over the years, but then I tried on the jacket. It wasn't quite as slim in the waist as I would have liked but otherwise I thought it looked good, really good. Uh oh. I bought it. Why not spend more money that I don't have?

YorN and I had a quick lunch before the shopping spree in which we had an interesting discussion on the meaning of being masculine, feminine, transgendered, transexual, queer and a whole slew of other related terms. We found that we had a hard time discussing any of those terms without making sweeping generalizations and relying on stereotypes.


Anonymous said...

So, I just erased the thoughtful comment I was attempting to compose regarding gender typing because I realized what I could say much more succinctly was: I bought two pairs of pants on the same day that you did! And they were on sale!

Goodbye Blue Monday said...

Yeah, and now the gf has gotten me thinking about family structure - last night she was reading to me from an author who theorized that family structure should be totally unrelated to sexual relationships, at least in political and legal terms. I'm really enjoying opening my mind but I feel mixed up all over the place too. My world is being rocked dangerously, though I can't say I didn't go looking for it. Oh well, it's far better than not thinking at all.

Also I know I'm a nice person, but I wouldn't tell you your butt looked hot unless it actually did, which it does in your new jeans. If it didn't look hot, I'd have just said it looked good, or something. Just so you know.