Thursday, February 22, 2007

take that

A few months ago HL and I were talking and he said something slightly derogatory towards me (in a funny way, that's our relationship, that's my relationship with most people) and I almost spit my gum at him in response. I asked what he would have done if I had spit my gum on him and he said he'd have thought it was funny. What? This was a new side I had never seen. So I decided that I got one free spit out my gum to use in the future whenever I felt the occasion warranted it.

On Tuesday HL and I were waiting in the subway for the A train to take us home. He once again said something slightly insulting. I looked at him and pteuwie! Out shot my gum. The problem was that I had only just put the gum in my mouth a few seconds before so it wasn't chewed very much and the fresh piece was making my salivary glands work overtime so what ended up coming out wasn't a well aimed compact wad but a flat chunk surrounding by spit. It flung itself onto the sleeve of his coat then dropped to the ground. A woman walking by stared at us in disgust. And that was my one chance to do something funny with my gum. It worked out in a predictable ipj way, but not how I'd intended.

1 comment:

Goodbye Blue Monday said...

You can spit your gum at me anytime. But also, don't you think it was kind of more funny that way, especially since it was sort of pre-planned?

My sister and I used to try to shoot our gum from one's mouth into the other's. It was pretty fun. I think we even succeeded once or twice.