Monday, February 12, 2007


2 crumpets
1 glass half orange juice, half vanilla soy milk
1 cup hot chocolate
1 beer

When I was in high school, maybe junior high, I read a short story (you probably did too) about a totalitarian society where the government forced everyone to be equal. This entailed giving everyone a handicap particular to their strengths. The two characters I most remember were the father and son. The father was considered too smart and thus regularly had electrical shocks administered to his brain, to lessen his awareness. The son was too athletic and strong and had sandbags attached to his body. I was thinking about this story yesterday. I was thinking about how maybe we create our own hinderances. More accurately, about how I create my own hinderances so that I don't reach my full potential. And how amazing I could really be if I did utulize that potential. But then I understood that part of the reason I create these problems is so that I don't have to ever discover that that potential doesn't exist in the first place. It's much easier to believe that you could be great rather than truly discover that you actually don't have the talent for it.

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