Monday, November 04, 2002

Okay, I finally sort of made my blog sight sort of like look how I wanted. I know I keep changing it but it's not like anyone is really looking at this except for Gillian and Erin. I chose this template because Margaret and I might get a kitty soon. I wanted a white Manx but I guess they're pretty expensive and it would have to be shipped out to us from Pennsylvania. Forget it. I'm still not sure how to get my header bold but I'll work on it later.

I need some outside validation. College is about drinking and skipping class right. So is it okay for me to skip my film class and just do home. Yeah, it's only once a week but it's for four fucking hours. And I didn't go last week. How about this: if I do lots of homework for my writing class, looking up sources and whatnot, I can skip film and go home. Is that okay? Isn't everybody else at college skipping class? How come I have to go? I'll still pass...probably.

Yea! I bought a flask the other day. Now I can drink a lot too. I figured I'd fill it full of vodka and take sips during my relhearsals when I want to cry or scream or KILL. Alcohol makes the world look better, why not my choreography.