Friday, August 03, 2007

the real me?

According the The Golden Compass movie's website my Dæmon is:

I took this test a bunch of times and tried to answer as honestly as possible. Really. I was practically stressing out trying to be truthful. And I didn't just retake it because I didn't like the first few Dæmons it gave me.

Anyway, you should click on the picture and take the test about me to see if you agree. Here's the thing though, your answers affect what everyone else sees. The qualities associated with me stay the same because that's what came up when I took the test, that way when someone else views this they'll still answer the questions based on the original test's qualities. But the Dæmon will keep changing based on your answers. So don't go answering things willy-nilly; I don't want to end up with a cockroach or something. And you should probably only do it once. I started running into problems when I kept answering questions for myself over and over again just to see what would happen.

So take the test. And after taking the test you should read the book. And after reading the book you should see the movie, with me.


Anonymous said...

How come "strongly indifferent" and "can you put that comment in the form of a question" aren't options on the scale?

Goodbye Blue Monday said...

Oh man, is she a ferret? She's beautiful and would make such a nice companion riding on your shoulder.

I'm still a monkey. I must've scared everybody away saying I loved her.