Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I'm sick, which I suppose is payback since I've been walking around all my sick friends feeling pretty proud of myself and how well my body's been feeling lately. It hit me pretty hard Monday evening and I spent all day Tuesday either in bed or drinking some concoction of lemon, apple and pear juice with juiced garlic and ginger. Mmm, doesn't that sound tasty? I've read in a couple of places that a fever is your body's way of fighting disease since it supposedly makes your body an uninhabitable environment for germies and that taking fever reducers can actually prolong your illness. So I thought I'd try this cold med free. Which I was doing pretty well on until I had to go teach one client Pilates at 6:30 last night. I took 3 ibuprofen just to get out of the house. I felt okay (so to speak) until I started teaching then immediately broke out in a horrible sweat I hoped my client didn't notice.

So being sick has once again given me transparent (but nonetheless upsetting and confusing) dreams. Last night I couldn't fall asleep until around 11PM and for the whole night (all of 6 hours, I had to get up at 5 to come out to DUMBO) I kept dreaming that time and space was being compressed and that it didn't matter when I went to sleep or what I was feeling since all time was irrelevant and I could access any amount of time I wanted at any time I wanted. Basically, in the dream world I was in (which kept horribly morphing into the real world every time I woke up) everything that could happen already had happened and all you had to do was access the particular event you were looking for. For instance, I kept thinking that I didn't really need to sleep anymore because all the sleep I was ever going to have had already happened, therefore if I felt tired I would just need to access some time that I had slept. God, that was awful. Now, at first glance no, this dream doesn't seem to be particularly transparent, until you look at what I did yesterday. Right before I went to bed I watched the second disk of Basilisk, this new anime I love that's all about these warring clans that their leaders are trying to bring together as one. AND I just started using my brand new masticating juicer (like, 5 times yesterday), which grinds up whatever you're juicing and slowly presses out the pulp in this concentrated, mashed mass.

warring clans merging + masticating juicer + anime monsters = bad dreams resulting in little sleep

And you know what else sucks about being sick? New York is fucking loud! And there's no one here to take care of you. Wait, maybe that's just what sucks about being single.


tarak said...

I'm sorry that you are sick, but you've been running yourself to this point, so rest up mister! Anyway, you should watch sesame street to make yourself feel better, especially that exercise song. I couldn't go to sleep last night cause that song was in my head. Damn you Prairie Dawn!

Anonymous said...

You'd better utilize those fruit pulp bricks by covering your ears and eyes. Instant quiet!

Boo on sick...and how are you supposed to get better if you're just getting up early and spreading those germs. I cannot approve. Unless you're also wearing a robe and have kleenex sticking out of the sleeves and pockets...