Saturday, November 03, 2007

holy schmoses

That previous clip of Sesame Street had me strolling down nostalgia street so I went hunting for a few more. I almost shit my pants when I saw these. I completely remember all three of these videos from my childhood.

Recognize the composer? It's Philip Glass. I thought I was first introduced to minimalist music through my sister when I was in high school but no, I was much much younger (though she still gets props for giving me my first hearing of Steve Reich). I am continually amazed at what an influence Sesame Street had on my being, who I was as a child and now who I am as an adult. Seriously, puppets and music and the love of simple things and the fostering of deep imagination. It's incredible. It's too bad I don't see the same thing in today's Sesame Street. It makes me sad. But appreciative that I got to experience something so amazing and influential.


Anonymous said...

who knew?

Anonymous said...

As soon as I heard the first notes of those my brain went "oh yeah..."

Sesame Street plus farm equipment definitely makes for a rich artistic life in future least for three of us.

...but I'm still not letting the soon-to-be-outside kid watch TV until they're two (we'll see how many of those words I have to eat). Dirt clods will be fine at most any age. (Those words are made to be eaten.)