Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I still don't know if I'm allergic or just getting sick. My throat has been hurting a little more lately but I've mostly only eaten peanut butter cups and Tostitos today so who can say the reason?

I will say that I slept soundly and warmly in my new hat.

Who's that guy?

It's me! Pasty anorexic face and all. When did that happen?

Just in case you missed it.


Those bunnies must be warm, yo. I walked outside today and it was mass windy but in my hat my head was toasty warm. And the yarn is so light I barely feel like I'm wearing it at all. Aren't bunnies the best? They're so precious. Way more precious than babies (cough).

In other news there's a sexy new guy starting the Pilates training program at the studio I work at in Brooklyn. I had to train him on front desk procedure this morning and totally got all gazy at his eyes. Or maybe more at his lips. He's German and a dancer. He has a sexy accent that I can still understand and danced with Pina Bausch for three years. Now I'm more jealous than infatuated. But of course he has a boyfriend. Sigh. That's fine.


tarak said...

you could be a male model in that hat.

Anonymous said...

Look, you're not making a hat out of my baby.

...but we might have to put the hat next to the baby and see if we can tell which is cuter, because that is one cuddly and good-lookin' chapeau!

Anonymous said...

I'm obsessed with those photos.

tarak said...

I can't get enough of your big doe eyes. You're so cute!