Monday, October 01, 2007


Today I took a PIlates mat class out at the studio I teach at in DUMBO. I kind of hate mat classes. They usually just really hurt my hip flexors. But not today. This time they hurt something else.

As I was rolling onto my back doing some sort of exercise, I felt like a spider was crawling up the side of my right leg, right on my calf. I didn't think much of this since I usually feel like spiders are crawling up my legs. (Did you know that about me?) I reached down and swatted at my leg, which usually makes that feeling go away, but it remained. I swatted again and it still stayed. I reached down and slowly brushed my calf and noticed that I couldn't exactly feel my hand touching my leg. I could still feel it but it was like that weird semi-numb feeling you get when your muscles are coming out from anesthetic. That didn't seem too good. But I continued in the class anyway. Now, if I were training someone and they told me one of their limbs was going numb I would tell them to immediately stop what they were doing and discontinue exercising. Numbness is almost never a good thing. But is that what I did? Nope, I didn't want to seem like a wimp in front of my instructor. So I just kept going, slightly modifying little things to make up for the fact that I couldn't exactly feel my right leg. I figured I just stretched it weird and what I really needed was to just stand up and walk around. So I finished up class, got up, walked around, and the numbness stayed. So I changed and left, and it stayed. I went to work, and it stayed. And did some work-related errands, and it stayed. And now, nearly 8 hours later, I'm almost completely sure that my leg is back to normal. I know I'm kind of making it sound like I was walking around falling all over my right leg but it wasn't like that at all. Just a weird, numb feeling that I didn't even notice unless I was actually touching my leg. Isn't that strange.

Please don't send me reprimands; I'll well aware how dumb that was. That's the reason I blogged about it; I like to share.

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