Thursday, October 25, 2007

mor epics

I meant to type more pics but I think mor epics is better. Too bad this post will not reflect the better title.

I was involved in my first focus group the other day. It was for toothpaste but we didn't just sit around talking about toothpaste, oh no, this group was different! We spent the first 2 hours talking all about fresh! and what fresh! means to us and what is fresh! and how do you stay fresh! ever feel not so fresh! I swear the way there were saying fresh it had to have an exclamation point on the end. It felt very strange to sit around for nearly three hours seriously discussing toothpaste but I got paid $125 so whatever. But if a dental product is released soon that comes in the form of individual toothpaste balls held in a treasure chest container and they have the taste of dragon and/or starfruit, you'll know who gave them that idea.

At the beginning of the group we all had to go around and say our name, where we lived, what we did for a living and what our favorite TV show was. I ended up saying America's Next Top Model even though I wanted to say something snooty and British. But I had already decided that I was never going to go with my first response answer, since whatever it is usually makes me seem like an asshole. A guy ahead of me said Dexter and I perked up because I was thinking:

But he meant:

Isn't he cute? Which one? Exactly.

Once again my mind was on cartoons.


pants said...

After years of experience, I have decided that toothpaste should only come in a mint or cinnamon flavor. Definitely not fruit. And dragon flavor sounds downright vomitous (like a mixture of sweat and ash--ugh). Treasure chest packaging, however, sounds INCREDIBLE!

ipj said...

I need to clarify. My idea was dragonfruit or starfruit. But I agree that dragon toothpaste would probably be gross, though they did tell us to think outside the box.