Monday, October 29, 2007

fruity fruit fruit

Yesterday was not so good. And you know what really made it bad? Whole Foods didn't have any more organic, locally grown Winesap apples! Can you believe it? Those jerks. I did not buy a cupcake instead, let me tell you. What I did buy was an organic, Washington grown Red Delicious apple (and a Fuji and a Braeburn and a Bosc pear and an Asian pear and two bananas). But here's the thing about Red Delicious. While I will concede that they are indeed red, I would not, on my own, term them delicious. I've found that they're the apple you're most likely to find disappointingly and disgustingly soft and mealy, it seems impossible to buy a crisp one. Okay, granted the one I bought today was crisp and pretty good. But delicious? Please. But biting into one never turns me into a princess (a la Snow White), fulfilling my kind of backwards inverted fairy tale thinking, to which I'm prone.

But those Winesaps. Those were de-li-cious. Fucking delicious even.

Though I don't know if I'm being fair. My taste of apples may be heavily influenced by my childhood. (Isaac, stop reading now. I don't want any pointed comments about the farm and/or nostalgia.) I associate Red Delicious with after-Church "snacks" my father used to make, namely a mealy apple with some Tillamook cheddar cheese. Those were gross. Even though I still have apples and cheese as a snack but I use organic apples and organic white cheddar cheese. But I associate Winesaps with my grandmother's apple trees, where I'd just walk by and pick a fresh apple right off the branch and bite into it. I don't actually know what kind of apples she grew and I doubt they were Winesaps but the taste is awfully similar.

To summarize: I'm a snoot who only buys organic to make himself feel better. And it totally works.
"Go Winesap! Sometime they're red too!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Durr, organic is supposed to make you feel better.

And when Snow White bit into an apple she was POISONED. She was a princess before apples.

And it is true that Red Delicious are not delicious (but are nostalgic). The best thing I've ever heard about them is "makes a good lunchbox apple," which I'm pretty sure means that everyone knows they are yucky but cheap, so why not pawn them off on kids and pretend that they were eaten instead of thrown in the trash.

Also delicious? Honey Crisps. And you can hear more about them apples on the Sept 22 broadcast of Splendid Table. Here's a link.