Thursday, October 18, 2007

like crack

I think I have a problem. Can you guess what it is? As a hint, here's a picture from my trashcan.

That's right:
All my socks have holes in them.

No, wait. I mean:
All my underwear has holes in it.

No no, that's not right. Oh, I know!
I'm fucking addicted to ice cream.

I thought I had it under control for a while and not only did I think I had it under control, I actually did. I wasn't craving it or anything. But lately I've gone bananas, or Chunky Monkey, if you catch my drift. I just can't stop eating it. Every morning after, I wake up groggy, feeling awful and swear I won't eat it again right before I go to bed but inevitably, by the time I get home, that resolution becomes meaningless. It's not even really that I'm so stressed or have a hard life right now. I think it's probably just that I'm pushing myself to finish these first 150 for my Pilates certification. I'm so close, I should finish by next week. Of course, I then have to do 200 more teaching hours but that's later. Though I don't know if I'm reaping the benefits that these practice hours are supposed to provide. I've been so drained lately that by the time I start teaching my 6th, 7th or 8th session in a row I can hardly remember half of the exercises, much less direct my client. So I'm really probably not learning much. But whatever, at least I'll start getting my two paying clients.


tarak said...

OMG!!!.... why aren't those containers in a recycling can, mr!

Gillian said...

Just pop some holes in the lids and bottoms, run a string through 'em and you'll have a nice little holiday garland.

Or a useless telephone...but maybe that would be more helpful if you get locked in your room again.

(Um, and even if you weren't eating ice cream all of the time I think you'd be pretty tired after teaching that many sessions. I mean, it seems like five would be pushing it.)

bdkennedy said...

Isn't Parfait going to be jealous?

mynewshoes said...

I think your body is craving the calories (energy) because you are not eating enough to keep up with your active lifestyle and long days. That'a what I think. And also, what everyone else said.