Friday, March 09, 2007


Something happened today that could potentially be good. I don't want to talk about it too much in case it doesn't work out. But I'm pretty excited. Of course, the last time I was this excited about this type of thing I turned out to be pretty miserable by the end.

Today I planned on making some gloves out of yarn that I bought in France when I was 16 but, when I finally found a pattern (I have no idea how to make gloves) I discovered that I brought the wrong needles to work. So now that's my task for Monday. I wonder if there's a way to soften this yarn. I remember it being softer when I first bought it but it's been 11 years, sitting in various closets the whole time. Now it's pretty scratchy. I don't care. I need some gloves. Nothing too fancy, this'll be another practice project. Later on they'll get more stylin'.

I have a strike to work tomorrow and I'm not going to let it get me down. I signed up for it with gusto over a month ago but now I'm regretting it. Whatever, I need the money.

In closing, would you like to read an interview that provides insight into the state of dance and its intelligent, thougtful artists? Click here. I know you want to...and some of you have to [Erin]. (This is not the same artist I was complaining about before.)


laurenj said...

intelligent and thoughtful indeed.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god. What a total d-bag! I almost couldn't read it.