Friday, March 02, 2007

get your fleas outta my chips

Last night I was up late in my room with my door open, doing whatever it is I do at 1:30 in the morning, when I heard my roommate walk out of her room and into the kitchen. I didn't have any music playing so it was fairly quiet but then what did I hear but a plastic bag ruffle and then some crunching noises. Horsey was eating my goddamn chips. I always suspected she did that (and maybe ate other food of mine too) but I never had any proof. I would open up a bag of chips and notice that the level might have gone done but I wasn't positive so I never said anything. I nonchalantly walked into the kitchen last night and when I was about 10 feet away the floor creaked. I heard a slight ruffle and then saw Horsey's shadow jump towards the sink, which she turned on right when I walked in. I was too tired to say anything last night but the next time I see her I will. I actually resent having to say anything at all. It should be a common courtesy not to eat your roommate's food without their permission. Of course, it also might be a common courtesy to close the frickin' front door but that doesn't happen either. I don't know why I keep expected "so" much. I will admit that I've used a few of her eggs before but I would immediately buy more the next day to replace them. I wouldn't mind if she did that, but she never does.

But I'm not going to let that get me down. YorN and I went to a concert last night featuring Bang On A Can and Meredith Monk. It was so good. I couldn't help but smile during the entire evening. When it ended we were both extremely happy and it felt wonderful. It was like Meredith Monk had given us a present in the form of her music. She's now on my short list of artists that I will always see if they're nearby. Watching her was amazing. She clearly loves what she's doing and is good at it. Her energy was infectious. When explaining the idea behind one of her pieces she mentioned that she had just finished reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy and that she was really into it and it inspired her. Right after the concert YorN and I went straight to Barn*s & Nobl* to buy that book. That's how much we liked her music. But they didn't have it. I'll be buying it soon though, along with more of her music.

I also noticed that a certain choreographer that I recently complained about on this blog received a full page write up in Time Out New York. Ugh. But I don't care. Good art still exists. Last night was proof of that.

1 comment:

Goodbye Blue Monday said...

I concur! I was really tired on the way home but still smiling. Yea for good art - to hell with you-know-who, and maybe dance alltogether.