Saturday, March 03, 2007

I'm coming for you!

Watch your back. Look under your bed. My evil lizard and I are prowling the streets and if we find you, you'd better believe we're gonna make you watch some creepy performance art! Mwaa ha ha!

Seriously though, I wish I could make myself look this way in real life, I'd use it all the time.

Or maybe like this

But still be able to go back to my normal, narcissistic, beautiful self.

MNS and I went to BAM last night to see Three Atmospheric Studies, choreographed by William Forsythe. I don't know why I ever go to theater without bringing a notebook and pencil. Do they expect me to just sit and watch the performance? I can't do that. I find I get some great thinking done at bland performances, but I have to be able to write my thoughts down. I thought more about the muumuu piece, a scene involving a rolling pin and lipstick and a lot of repetition. What will become of that thought? Who knows. The best thing I can say about last night was that I got to spend time with MNS. The second best thing I can say is that I had long train ride home and got to spend lots of time reading a book I just bought. There was a part of the performance where a woman was kind of going crazy and getting all disjointed, that was kind of interesting. And that's all I have to say about that.

Pictures taken by HL on his brand new gorgeous Mac that he wouldn't leave me alone in his room with because he knew I'd just get naked.

1 comment:

Isaac said...

So true. It was all I could do to keep your shirt on. I saw the voyueur come alive in front of my eyes -- first all "no, I don't want my picture taken," then suddenly, "Let me see what my nipple ring looks like with this camera effect!"

Why didn't you post any of the sweet, normal pictures? Too much scary.