Tuesday, March 06, 2007

who the hell cares?

I saw The Pirate Queen last night (for free, that's important). A new(?) musical written by the creators of the musical version of Les Miserables. But before I saw The Pirate Queen I was a bad friend. I completely forgot about a previous engagement and felt awful about it, for several reasons. All I can say about that is that the next one will be better and I'll stay for more than 15 minutes. I'm very sorry MNS and Miss M. I'll make it up to you somehow.

Since I was attending the final dress of The Pirate Queen the audience was filled with people from "the industry." A lot of people who were connected with the show in some way or with other Broadway shows. So mostly a lot of young people who were really into musicals, really into themselves and really into each other. It was awkward and fascinating at the same time. Sadly, I had no one with which to share this experience so most of the night I made snide comments to myself, I'm my own best friend! We're so good together. What a bore that show was. It wasn't quite bad, nothing made me particularly angry, it was just incredibly boring. The songs were all over the place, nothing memorable at all, the set was unimpressive, the choreography subpar, an all around snooze. At intermission I took my bag with me to the bathroom; I didn't trust any of the musical buffs around me to watch my stuff, they had such shifty eyes. Then when I left the bathroom I thought it would be just as easy to walk out the door as walk back to my seat. So I left. No second act. I don't think I missed much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That show must have been a real waste of time. But I am very happy that you finally made up with yourself. I can't stand to see you fighting with you.