Tuesday, January 02, 2007

the benefits of procrastination

Or ignorance is bliss.

I know that I had been putting off making a budget of my expenses versus income for a reason: it's depressing. For a while now I've been wishing that I belonged to a gym. I know I'm much happier when I routinely exercise and I'm more likely to exercise at a gym than at home. Yes, I was doing okay for a while with home pilates stuff but there are so many things to keep me from working out at home and not all of them are under my control (my roommate constantly commandeers the living room, eating and loudly watching bad television). Plus, home pilate's doesn't do much for my cardiovascular system and though it would seem like I could just jog outside, that really really hurts my knees (I'm not whining, I'm being realistic). The point is, I get better exercise when I'm at a gym. And I'm more likely to go to a gym if I actually belong to one. So I just jumped right in and figured out my expenses. And figured out I ain't joinin' no gym. I could potentially join one if I cut back on any and all frivolities in my life but since I don't have that many to begin with that means I could never go out with anyone at all ever ever ever. And a six pack isn't that important to me. I kind of would like to fill out a t-shirt at least once in my life though. So now I'm going to neurotically document and categorize (I already have the Excel spreadsheet ready, maybe I can make it into a graph somehow) every expense I make this month to see just how I spend money.

Hmm, I think this writing everyday thing might turn out to be a lot of complainy and not much funny. We'll see.


laurenj said...

Yay spreadsheets!!!! I'm a big excell nerd, so I highly approve. There is nothing like creating a graph of your finances to create the illusion that you have control over your finances...

Goodbye Blue Monday said...

I agree that you shouldn't run. Your body is really not cut out for it (though I know you love pain..just not that kind).

Sorry about the budget and no gym, man. In light of my double-shot of shit news this week, I've got some budget trouble in sight too.