Thursday, January 04, 2007

says who?

MNS mentioned yesterday that she thought the trick to blogging everyday might be to write about the things that you don't tell people. That might work for her but I'm not sure what I should do since I tell pretty much whatever pops into my head to the nearest person who's willing to listen to me. This has gotten me into trouble on a number of occasions since what I often end up doing is bitching about something, or someone.

But I'm not going to start bitching about someone on my blog. That really got me in into trouble before.

But I will try to tell you some things you probably don't know (even though some of you might).

1. I brush my eyebrows with a toothbrush every morning to get them to look just so. I've been doing this for over 10 years, ever since I saw my sister do it. I'm annoyingly particular about some aspects of grooming but terribly lackadaisical about others.

2. I kind of liked the middle of the "We Are A Family" song when I watched Dreamgirls, even though it's horribly sappy. The beginning is very extra boring but I thought when it started to wrap up it was kinda sweet. I've never felt so gay.

3. I really want to make a fool of myself but I'm too afraid to do it, plus I might hurt someone.

It just took me like half an hour to come up with three measly things. Three! That's because everything else I came up with I realized that most everyone already knew. See? Open book.

My stomach is growling but I'm trying to ignore the 10+ cupcakes that are in my work's kitchen. It's becoming quite hard. They're not even good cupcakes but since they're there, I'll most likely eat them. And then feel disgusting.

1 comment:

laurenj said...

Now I'm totally insecure that you judge MY eyebrows, since they are one of my features that I am embaressingly lackadaisical about grooming.