Saturday, January 27, 2007

Why show?

I'm distracted by Top Chef. Ah! I can't think at all.

When I was young I fantasized about having super powers, as did everyone I knew, though I think I daydreamed a bit more often. I wanted to use my powers to find happiness, get fame, luxury, crush my enemies, the regular stuff. Now that I'm an adult I still have those fantasies. Only now I'd use my powers to stay free of disease, clean my room faster, have better hair, non-oil smelling clothes. My dreams have certainly become more sophisticated.

I have more elaborate fantasies involving super powers too but I'm not going to divulge those. I hope that someday I'll be able apply those fantasies in an artistic way but until then I'm just a guy sitting at home, living in my head playing video games.

The dance show was...was...was, I don't even know. MNS sent me a link to a website that's looking for reviewers and I was going to use this show as my sample writing but I don't even know what to write.

Why did he say that?! I can't believe he just said that. Oops, Top Chef distracted me again.

Back to the dance show. It was so boring and self-indulgent. The last 10 minutes or so were spent watching a fucking slide show of candid pictures. A lot (if not all) of the pictures were contemporary dancers and choreographers, some who were in the audience. It was like being forced to watch the college slides of a friend of a friend that you didn't know and certainly didn't care about. There was nothing in this show that made me actively interested. Melanie and I agreed that it did make both of us think but think about pretty much anything besides what we were watching. We should have just gone to dinner.
The title of this entry was taken from the program in reference to the subject matter of the show. It expresses my thoughts exactly.

And that's it for today.

1 comment:

Goodbye Blue Monday said...

Are you serious with the slide show? That sounds like my fucking high school drill team video, and I certainly don't ask people to watch it with me (at least not that section anyway), and I CERTAINLY don't charge people money to do so!!! WTF? I'm sorry, man.

I'm also sorry to have missed you on Sunday.

I had told Lily that she might be hanging with her ipj this weekend and then I told her it wasn't quite possible, and she started crying big sad Lily tears, so we will have to arrange a visit soon.