Tuesday, January 09, 2007

see? complainy

My roommate (we'll call her Horsey) uses her blackberry as an alarm. Fine. I use my cell phone as my alarm. But you know where I put mine when I go to sleep? Next to my frickin' bed. Where does she put hers? Wherever the hell she happens to drop it when she gets home: in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the hallway, wherever. Now, Horsey teaches yoga and likes to get up super early to center herself or some such shit so she typically sets her alarm at some ungodly hour. This morning's alarm was for 4:30AM. And it rang and rang and rang. It's loud and piercing and annoying and loud. After about 7 minutes of hoping that she would turn it off I rolled out of bed, fumbled for some pants and flung my door open. There, in the hallway was Horsey's blackberry and there, sitting on the couch, wide awake, was my other roommate. I picked up her blackberry, looked at him incredulously and said, "I am so sick of this shit!" Come on! Is he deaf or something? How could he just sit there and let this fucking thing ring and ring? And it only pauses for about 5 seconds between cycles so its alarm is pretty constant. I turned Horsey's blackberry off completely, tossed it back on the table, went back to my room and only semi-slammed the door (I didn't want to induce too much drama).

Both of my roommates are deep sleepers. They basically stay awake as long as possible so when they finally do go to sleep they're pretty much knocked out with exhaustion. I don't know what kind of solution I could offer. Another time after Horsey's blackberry woke me up after ringing for several minutes I discovered that it was less than two feet from her head. And she continued to snore on. Jesus Christ.

I didn't buy the ice cream. I made HL buy it with money he owed me. So really, I didn't break my promise. I never said I wouldn't eat the ice cream.


Anonymous said...

Horsey is really starting to piss me off

pants said...

What does it mean if I like the sound of the word "complainy?"