Tuesday, January 23, 2007

mr. hyde just needed a fudgsicle

So the day after I wrote that last post I walk into work and my boss has brought two boxes of Girls Scouts cookies. I'm one of only two people in this office today (not counting my boss, who has extra boxes at home and specifically brought these in so other people would eat them) and the other person is allergic to gluten and can't eat the cookies anyway. So all day I have to resist the temptation to shove these things in my mouth and it's getting hard. I mean, they're sitting right there! Maybe I should hide them. Maybe I can just restructure my resolution and say that I'll cut back my dessert eating of once a week to things that I buy. I mean, I can't control other people's actions and if they want to shower me with sugar I can't stop them. And wouldn't it be rude to refuse their gift?

Completely unrelated, I went to the dentist yesterday and my gums bled like hell. She said my mouth looked like a horror movie.

On Friday I told HL it was his duty to help me kick my dessert habit. At 3AM on Sunday morning we tipsily wandered the local corner store searching for goodies to buy. He, being a good friend, stood between me and the brownie mix and refused to budge, no matter how much I told him to ignore my earlier resolution. We jokingly argued for a while until I finally lunged, grabbed by him by the shoulders, threw him aside and claimed the coveted mix. I noticed the fear in HL's eyes was immediately shamed. What kind of monster had I become, to violently abuse my friend in order to feed my habit?! I put the brownie mix back on the shelf and we left empty-handed. And I swear I didn't go back later to buy it. I swear!


laurenj said...

and THAT is why I refuse to make a dentist appointment. Even though I know full well that they longer I wait, the worse it will be. But they are so judgemental!!!

mynewshoes said...

My mom told me that the secret to healthy gums (besides flossing) is Vitamin B complex. Try it.

HL is a brave man to stand between you and your brownie mix.

ipj said...

The hygienist I have is actually really friendly so the horror mouth comment was okay and didn't hurt my feelings. And it was really bloody.