Friday, January 26, 2007


I keep looking at this screen until I see double and then it gets fuzzy, trying to will some interesting topic into my head. It's just not happening. I've been experimenting with different knitting ideas in the attempt to create a hat pattern for a friend of mine. It's not going so well, let's just say it looked like shit. And I mean that literally. Really.

I'm supposed to go to a dance show tonight but I don't feel like it. Earlier I was afraid that it might be some sort of shoes-off type of thing and I of course wore holey socks today even though HL bought me new ones for Christmas and demanded that I throw my old ones away. Eh. I didn't. Then I feared that the dancers might break the fourth wall, which I'm also not in the mood for. The last thing I need is some dancer talking/yelling/staring at me. It's cold. I just want to go home.

I still haven't bought any ice cream or other dessert product. I did eat a bunch of those Girl Scout cookies but as stated earlier, those don't count. I've also exercised 4 times this week. Last night and this morning my muscles were sore and at first I was proud/disappointed with myself. Proud that I've been working hard enough to make myself sore but disappointed because I know I really haven't been doing that much so my body must be pretty out of shape for those meager exercises to make it tired. But then I realized the real reason, which completely erased any lingering pride I might have had. It's cold outside! Yes, when you are cold and shivering all the time your muscles tend to hurt, even after they've warmed up.

I may or may not still run to the mirror right after I finish exercising. I want to keep that image of toned muscles in my head as long as possible.


Anonymous said...

ipj, you are so awesome! I love reading your blog even when it's complete drivel. Your opinions, feelings and thoughts are always smart and valid. Always. You are the best.

You Know Who

Isaac said...

WHAT! Why are you wearing those holey socks?!?!

This is unacceptable. The Asians at Uniqlo are shaking their heads in shame.

P.S. See you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to decide whether sitting on your lap is more or less invasive than talking/yelling/staring.

Either way, I wasn't in the mood either.

We need to see something really inspirational together, so that our friendship does not became based on shared experience of bad art.