Wednesday, February 28, 2007

without even trying

I didn't even notice that I posted an entry about how I'm allergic to eggs and then immediately following that an entry about how I love mini-eggs. HL had to point that out. What's wrong with me?

To pay tribute to MNS and beta (i.e. steal from) I was going to create one of those online quizzes but 10 questions is too many. So here are a few I've come up with so far. In an actual tribute those girls (particularly MNS) my answers are sneaky and based on what I'm feeling right this moment. Here goes:

1. I most often wish I were:
A) successful
B) a robot
C) a few inches shorter
D) more muscular
E) a slut

2. I most sincerely wish I were:
A) successful
B) a robot
C) a few inches shorter
D) more muscular
E) a Japanese woman

3. In my bag you will almost always find:
A) tweezers
B) a book (fiction)
C) my checkbook (non-fiction)
D) flushable towelettes

4. The item I value most in my bag is:
A) the tweezers
B) the book
C) the checkbook
D) the flushable towelettes

5. I spend this amount of time staring at myself in the mirror (cumulatively) each day:
A) 5 minutes (enough time to do my hair)
B) 10 minutes (hair's not quite right)
C) 15 minutes (I'm beautiful)
D) 20 minutes (how can I make my eyes more soulful?)

That's it. How well do you know me?


Anonymous said...

1) d
2) c
3) b
4) a
5) d

I hope none of these are trick questions.

Isaac said...

1.) D
2.) D
3.) C
4.) D
5.) E, none of the above. 35 minutes (I'm so tortured.)

laurenj said...

1. A
2. D
3. All of the above
4. A
5. D
If you are basing the correct answers on your feelings in the moment, will the scoring change depending on when you check them?

mynewshoes said...

I'm making these guesses without looking at any other comments (just to keep it fair)
1. I most WISH this answer were B, but most likely think it is D.
2. My guess is E. Riding a vespa.
3. If I have to choose from A and D. I’m going with D.
4. But for this I’m choosing A.

mynewshoes said...

Oops, I didn't answer #5 - uh, b.

Anonymous said...

It seems like it might be ultimately more fruitful to wish for pants that fit rather than to be shorter, but that's not really the way wishing works, is it?

It also seems a little redundant to wish to be both shorter and a Japanese woman, but ever-present tweezers and manufactured soulful eyes are well-aligned.

But what of Shout wipes?